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#1 in Japan

Congratulations to Starlab Publishing songwriters Jan Baars, Rajan Muse and Ronnie Icon who wrote the song “OPaPiPo” for the popular Japanese boy band Kis-My-Ft2. The song is on their new single “Hands Up” which immediately went up as # 1 on the Japanese sales chart.

25 million views on YouTube in just 3 weeks!

Congratulations to Starlab Publishing songwriters Jan Baars, Rajan Muse and Ronnie Icon, who wrote the song “Breakthrough” to the very popular Korean girl band “TWICE” 5th single in Japan. The single is released on July 24, but the video was published 3 weeks ago and already has 25 million views on YouTube!

1.3 million physical CDs in just one week!

It’s wonderful to have a song on a album selling 1.3 million physical CDs in just one week 🙂 Congratulations again to Starlab Publishing songwriters Peter Nord and Kevin Borg who wrote the song “Tsunagu” to the very popular Japanese boyband Arashi! The song is now on their album All the BEST !!

J-pop Camp – Starlab/Nichion

Great J-Pop songwriter camp in our studios between Starlab Publishing and Nichion’s songwriters. Big Thank to Maasa, Muro and Shimada from Nichion and to our songwriters Nicklas Eklund, Oliver Fernström, Viktor Strand and Ida Pihlgren!

#1 in Japan

#1 in Japan again! Congratulations to Starlab Publishing’s great songwriters Jan Baars, Rajan Muse and Ronnie Icon who wrote the song “Big Bang” to Japan’s very popular boyband King & Prince. The song is on their debut album released today. The sale right now / first day is on 400,000+ physical CDs.

Co-write session –

Co-write session today in the Starlab Publishing studio with “Simon Isogai” from Japan together with Oliver Fernström and Viktor Strand.

Midem 2019

Starlab Publishing goes to the annual music industry fair “Midem” in Cannes. Starlab has been represented there since 2006.

Single release in China

Congratulations again to Starlab Publishing’s amazing Dutch songwriters Jan Baars, Rajan Muse and Ronnie Icon who wrote the song ’World‘s Most Savage’ to the popular Chinese boyband D5, released today.

Co-write session

Co-write session today in the Starlab Publishing studios with “Lefty” from Japan together with Nicklas Eklund and Viktor Strand.

Co-write sessions

Co-write session in Starlab Publishings studios today with our American songwriter Paulina Cerrilla, Oliver Fernström, Viktor Strand and Nicklas Eklund (not in the picture)